LumiSpa Accent eye attachment - only for the classic LumiSpa (not for iO)
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Nu Skin

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The ageLOC LumiSpa Accent attachment can be easily attached to your LumiSpa device.
Contents: LumiSpa Accent eye attachment & IdealEyes eye cream
ATTENTION: This Accent eye attachment only fits on the classic LumiSpa, for the LumiSpa iO you will find here the right essay.
With the wave-shaped silicone attachment, you can exfoliate and revitalize your skin as gently as the eye area needs it. Only in combination with the ageLOC IdealEyes eye cream, the magic unfolds and makes your eyes shine.👁️🌺
Have you been working overtime? Partied all night? Not fully rested? You can see it in your eyes. We all know it: dark circles, bags under the eyes, lines and wrinkles - the skin around the eyes is super sensitive. That doesn't have to be the case anymore.
Give your eyes love and care with the mega soft eye attachment for the LumiSpa & Ideal Eyes cream.
The LumiSpa Accent caresses your eyes like a petal and gives them the best care there is 👁️🧡 Look forward to wonderfully awake, expressive, radiant eyes in 2 x 30 seconds!
ageLOC LumiSpa Accent eye attachment is the perfect complement to the innovative, award-winning ageLOC LumiSpa device.
😍 Look fresh and refreshed
😍 fewer dark circles under the eyes
😍 fewer puffy eyes and bags under the eyes
😍 Tightening of the eyelids, like a light lift
😍 Moisturizes the skin so that it looks softer, smoother and more radiant
You will immediately notice the clinically proven benefits!💎
We will be happy to advise you so that you can achieve the best possible result.
Tel/WhatsApp: 015752904292, e-mail: mail@nu-business.life
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