ageLOC LumiSpa iO Full Routine | Skin prone to impurities
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🌟 Für die besonderen Bedürfnisse zu Unreinheiten neigender Haut.
🌟 Hilft, das Auftreten von Hautunreinheiten und Mitessern unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
🌟 Sofort sichtbar glattere und geschmeidigere Haut nach nur einer Anwendung.
🌟 Sanft genug, um zweimal täglich im Gesicht angewendet zu werden.
🌟 Intelligente Personalisierung, intelligentes Coaching und IoT-Konnektivität für optimale Ergebnisse.
Clogged pores and impurities don't let you rest? Bring Superpower into your skincare routine with an optimally coordinated trio that stands up for your skin and regulates the appearance of impurities.
What's included?
- 1 ageLOC LumiSpa iO Device (with normal silicone attachment as standard)
- 1 ageLOC LumiSpa iO Silicone attachment - gentle (ONLY with LumiSpa iO compatible)
- 1 ageLOC LumiSpa Activating Cleanser - Skin prone to blemishes
- 1 ageLOC LumiSpa Blemish Serum
- ageLOC LumiSpa iO Magnetic Charger
Radiant, youthful-looking skin
Pore-cleansing effect
Not a favorite for nothing!

- For the special needs of skin prone to impurities.
- Helps to control the appearance of blemishes and blackheads.
- Immediately visibly smoother and softer skin after just one application.
- Gentle enough to be used twice daily on the face.
- Intelligent personalization, intelligent coaching and IoT-connectivity for optimal results.
Application tip
Use the ageLOC LumiSpa iO System (the ageLOC LumiSpa iO device and the ageLOC LumiSpa Activating Cleanser - blemish-prone skin) in the morning and evening as a cleansing step.
Then apply a thin layer of Blemish Serum evenly over the entire face. If you want to use a second serum, please wait two minutes before applying it.
Then apply your favorite moisturizing cream.
For daily use, morning and evening.
Properties and benefits
- Seven clinically proven effects that are reinforced in the long term: thorough cleansing, supple, smooth, radiant skin, refined pores, a pure and refreshed skin feeling.
- The Cleanser in this kit has a mild, fragrance-free formulation of salicylic acid, a BHA that cleanses pores and softens the appearance of blemishes.
- The multi-action serum helps to fight blemishes and prevent them from forming again. It also improves the appearance of the skin and the complexion overall.
- Smart, waterproof, rechargeable handheld device that works with the Nu Skin VERA app (available in the App Store and Play Store) via Bluetooth.
- The synchronized skincare routines in LumiSpa iO and picture guides lead you through every step to youthful looking skin.
- The intelligent sensors and a connected app give you feedback on the pressure applied, movements and areas treated.
Advantage of the application
After a 12-week trial1 the following improvements were observed:
Thorough cleansing, supple and smooth skin (after just one application), radiant, clear and fresh skin with significantly reduced pores.
100 % of users achieved visibly smoother and softer skin and more thorough cleansing**
62 % more radiant skin**
71 % a reduction in blemishes after using the Activating Cleanser for blemish-prone skin and the gentle attachment2
1Clinical study based on the ageLOC LumiSpa system. The results and effectiveness can be applied to the ageLOC LumiSpa iO System transferred.
*/**Results of a professional third-party evaluation based on a 12-week in vivo user study with 150 volunteers aged between 35 and 65 years with different skin types. All subjects were asked to use the LumiSpa system according to your skin type. The results listed above refer to:
*The proportion of subjects whose skin had visibly improved as observed by clinical experts at the end of the study period (all combinations of skin types/skin types).LumiSpa cleansers/silicone applicators).
**Observations of the clinical experts after 12 weeks. The test subjects were asked to ageLOC LumiSpa with gentle silicone attachment and Cleanser for sensitive skin, with normal attachment and Cleanser for normal to combination skin and with a hard attachment and Cleanser for oily skin.
2Study with 30 test subjects, men and women, aged between 18 and 45 with blemish-prone skin, who used the soft silicone attachment and the hard attachment. ageLOC LumiSpa Activating Cleanser for blemish-prone skin for 12 weeks.
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ageLOC LumiSpa iO Full Routine – Die komplette Pflegeroutine für unreine Haut
Bekämpfe Unreinheiten gezielt mit der ageLOC LumiSpa iO Full Routine. Diese speziell entwickelte Routine reinigt die Haut porentief, reduziert Mitesser und Hautunreinheiten und sorgt für einen klareren, ausgeglichenen Teint.
Schritt 1: Tiefenreinigung mit dem ageLOC LumiSpa iO System
✔ Verwende das ageLOC LumiSpa iO Gerät zusammen mit dem Activating Cleanser für unreine Haut.
✔ Befreit die Poren von überschüssigem Talg, Schmutz und Unreinheiten.
✔ Unterstützt die Hauterneuerung und reduziert das Auftreten von Pickeln und Mitessern.
✔ Morgens und abends anwenden für eine frische, reine Haut.
Schritt 2: Klärende Pflege mit dem ageLOC LumiSpa Blemish Serum
✔ Trage eine dünne Schicht des Blemish Serums gleichmäßig auf das gesamte Gesicht auf.
✔ Wirkt gezielt gegen Hautunreinheiten und beugt neuen Pickeln vor.
✔ Falls du ein weiteres Serum verwenden möchtest, warte zwei Minuten, bevor du es aufträgst.
Schritt 3: Feuchtigkeit & Schutz
✔ Abschließend eine leichte, nicht fettende Feuchtigkeitspflege auftragen.
✔ Beruhigt die Haut, unterstützt die Hautbarriere und sorgt für ein ausgeglichenes Hautbild.
✨ Für die tägliche Anwendung – morgens und abends. ✨
Mit der ageLOC LumiSpa iO Full Routine für unreine Haut bringst du deine Haut wieder ins Gleichgewicht und erzielst einen sichtbar klareren, strahlenderen Teint!
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